Differential Calculus in several variables

Lecturer: Jorge Viveros
office: CIMA 1 (MF1 bldg)
email: jviveros[at]uaeh.edu.mx

My class schedule for Spring 2017

Dates I will be away: Fri, 24 Feb.

UAEH 2017 academic calendar

Classroom: FM4 (MF3 bldg)
Lectures: Mon 17-19, Tue 18-20, Th 18-21

Office hours: Mon & Tue 11-14, Fri 11-13 (or by appointment)
Office hours must be registered in the institutional tutoring and counseling webpage. Send me an email to schedule a meeting. Meetings will have to be validated through the system.

Pre-requisites: this is a fourth-semester class for mathematics and physics students at UAEH. I will assume that you have passed (and thus have working knowledge on) differential calculus in one variable, linear algebra 1, integral calculus in one variable, and linear algebra 2. Do not register this class if you have not passed all the aforementioned classes. If the latter warning applies to you, and intend to register this class nonetheless, you must talk to your program coordinator about your intentions to take this class, before you sign up for it.


The following test dates are tentative

4 midterms 80% total (20% each) 23 Feb, 23 Mar, 27 Apr, 1 Jun
Assignments 20% total

Policy 1: there will be homework assignments due on a time and date agreed on during class. All homework assignments must be turned in. If a student fails to turn in one assignment, s/he will not be able to take the corresponding test. Assignments are worth 20% of your final grade.

Policy 2: to be able to take a midterm, a student is required to have not more than two or three absences during the period being evaluated. If a_j is the number of absences a student had during term j, it is required that a_j\leq 3, and a_1+a_2+a_3+a_4\leq 9. Students who think they will have to miss three or more classes during a term, should contact the lecturer in advance.

Policy 3: please note that plagiarism and dishonest conduct during a test will be sanctioned by nullifying the assignment or test in question. If required, the case will be turned to the Department Head.

Policy 4: make up tests will be available only to those students who have failed not more than one test, or two tests at most but have excellent participation, class attendance, and homework turn-in records.


Our textbook is [CJo89].

DISCLAIMER: the following list of topics may change to accommodate class needs. Take note that integration (line integrals, double and triple integrals, etc) is covered in the next course of the calculus sequence (“integral calculus in several variables”).

Unit I: coming soon!

Unit II: coming soon!

Unit III. coming soon!

Unit IV. coming soon!


Our textbook is [CJo89]. You may check the other suggested textbooks, to complement your studying. [DuK04] is an excellent textbook but it is perhaps geared toward an advanced analysis class. [StL14] is oriented to differential geometry.

[CJo89] COURANT, R.; JOHN, F. (1989) Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, vol 2. Springer. 978-0387971520.
[DuK04] DUISTERMAAT, J.J.; KOLK, J.A.C. (2004) Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Cambridge University Press. 978-0521551144.
[Lan96] LANG, S. (1996) Calculus of Several Variables, 3rd ed. Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer. 978-0387964058.
[MaT11] MARSDEN, J.E.; TROMBA, A. (2011) Vector Calculus, 6th ed. W. H. Freeman. 978-1429215084.
[SHE07] SALAS, S.L.; HILLE, E.; ETGEN, G.J. (2007) Calculus: one and several variables, 10th ed. John Wiley & Sons. 978-0471698043.
[Sch04] SCHEY, H.M. (2004) Div, Grad, Curl, and all that: an informal text on vector calculus, 4th ed. W.W. Norton & Company. 978-0393925166.
[StL14] STERNBERG, S.Z.; LOOMIS, L.H. (2014) Advanced Calculus, revised edition. World Scientific Publishing Company. 978-9814583930.


For test 1:

For test 2:

For test 3:

For test 4:

Make up tests:

Jorge Viveros · Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas · Instituto de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería · Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo · jviveros[at]uaeh.edu.mx